Educational Fair » Literature Fair

Literature Fair



You are about to begin your Literature Fair Project. This information has been put together to help you through the process by listing general information, literary terms and focuses, and by giving you specific guidelines to follow. Please read through the information carefully and do not hesitate to as for assistance or clarification from your teacher.


A literature fair project is a great deal of work, but a wonderful learning experience. It gives you the opportunity to explore some classic literary works and present your written work in a creative, fun way. This project cannot be done in one week. You must read an entire novel to successfully complete this project. You must complete each task by the timeline due dates, as each task will be graded.


You will be required to read a novel and keep notes in your tabbed notebook as you read. These notes will help you in writing a plot summary, a character sketch, a setting analysis, and a theme essay. You will also be required to research your author for some biographical information. Make sure you choose a book that will be interesting for you to read, and a book that you can complete in a timely manner.




Plot Summary:

  • RDF:       Exposition in detail
  • RDF:       Main plot events
  • RDF:       Climax
  • RDF:       Resolution


Character Sketch:

  • Details on one character/Use L.E.W.      binder in Mrs. Carroll’s classroom
  • Use examples in the story to support      your answers
  • RDF:       Physical appearance
  • RDF:       Personality details
  • RDF:       How character affects story/What role the character plays in the      story


Setting Essay:

  • RDF for 3 settings include the      following E’s:

E: Describe the setting(s) using details from story

E: What is the atmosphere or mood of story using details

E: How is the setting important to the plot?


Theme Essay:

  • Research on the computer the themes of      your novel
  • RDF for each theme include the      following E’s:

E: What is the theme(s)?

E: Use details to support theme.

E: What significant actions show theme?


Biographical Information of Author:

  • RDF:       Author background info

E: When and where author was born

E: Where he/she lived?

E: Was he/she married?

  • RDF:       Writing history

E: What was their first written work?

E: Literary awards?


Novel Information:

  • Bullet points
  • Title, author, publisher, pages




     Your project has certain requirements and guidelines that should be met and/or followed. Listed below is an outline for reference.


1. Read a novel

     a. Keep notes in a tabbed notebook


2. Write an essay each for the following

     a. Plot summary

     b. Character sketch

     c. Setting analysis

     c. Theme essay

     e. Biographical information on author


3. Novel information such as: title, author, publisher, and pages

     a. This can be in bulleted form


4. All information should be:

     a. Typed

     b. Double spaced

     c. 1 “ margins

     d. 12 font size

     e. New Times Roman, Comic Sans MS, or Arial font


5. Design and complete display board.


6. Final draft

     a. Bound in a report cover

     b. Cover page

              1. Literature Fair

              2. Literature Fair Number

              3. Date

              4. Title and author of novel

              5. JMJ

     c. 5 separate essays each with a cover page (no name)

     d. Bibliography of novel




Your literature fair display represents all the work that you have done. It also represents your thoughts and ideas on the novel you have read. Your display should be attractive and creative. It should hold the viewers attention and entice them to read the novel.


     All exhibits must be presented on commercially available science project boards. These can be purchased at Wal-Mart, Target, Michael’s, JoAnn’s, and any office supply stores. White is the easiest color to make visually appealing, but you may choose another color as long as it fits into your design.


     The title and other headings should be neat and large enough to read at a distance of 3 feet. You will need to include in your display the following: Plot summary, Character sketch, Setting analysis, Theme, Author biography, and Novel information. These should not just be copies of your essays, but summary details displayed in a creative way. We will talk in class about ways to be creative. Please see the diagram below for a visual example.


     Do not put your name on the display board. Write your Literature Fair number on the back of the display board.